Lugana Wines at Slow Wine

Urbani Truflles Pasta Sauce in Action

The magic of Urbani Truffles with your pasta comes to life with this easy recipe.

Urbani Truffles Pasta DishUrbani Truffles Cream and Truffles CaviarUrbani Truffles Black Truffles and Mushrooms Lady Elena Caviar

The Chef is using a can of Urbani Truffles – Cream and Truffles and a can of Urbani Truffles – Black Truffles and Mushroom.

She mixes these sauces into the cooked pasta.

Easy and a very tasty pasta dish.

Some sprinkled White Sturgeon caviar on top would be nice also

Lugana Wines at Slow Wine

Wines of Crete to Begin the Summer

On this first day of summer, I am thinking of the Wines of Crete. Here you always find something fresh and exciting.

This 2016 Femina is just what the Lady is looking for on this warm summer day. The wine is made from the Malvasia grape variety and is produced by the Douloufakis Nikos Winery in Crete.

Wines of Crete Femina from Douloufakis

Here is to a safe, healthy and fun summer to all.
